Braces are a rite of passage for many teens. At VanLaecken Orthodontics, we proudly provide high-end and comfortable braces for teens who want to achieve their best and brightest smiles.
What to Expect
Some teenagers may feel nervous about getting braces. Though teens generally feel more comfortable with orthodontist visits than younger children do, the changes in appearance and temporary lifestyle adjustments from braces can serve as a source of apprehension for some.
For this reason, we’ve found that our patients benefit most from knowing what to fully expect from braces for teens. At VanLaecken Orthodontics, our experienced orthodontists and their team strive to help both parents and teens make the most of their orthodontic treatment.
Getting Started with Braces Treatment
At VanLaecken Orthodontics, all treatment begins with a free consultation. Our team will examine your smile and bite. We will also utilize digital scans and x-rays to create a digital impression of your smile.
After the initial examinations, our team and your orthodontist will sit down with you to discuss treatment options. They may suggest one or more types of treatment depending on your teen’s corrective needs.
Types of Braces Available
Traditional Braces
Traditional braces provide dependable treatment for even more severe cases. Recent advancements in this corrective treatment option make it more efficient and comfortable to achieve your smile goal.
The Damon bracket system we use allows for more efficient movement of the teeth. In addition, the design of these brackets allows for greater comfort, improved appearance, and potentially faster treatment times.
Clear/Ceramic Braces
Designed to be a more aesthetically discreet treatment option, clear ceramic braces work in the same way that traditional braces do, but offer a more natural appearance. While they offer the same level of effectiveness, they are not quite as durable as metal braces, so they may not be for everyone. However, if you are able to take proper care of your braces, clear braces may be a great option for you!
Life With Braces
No matter when a patient undergoes orthodontic treatment, adjusting to the new orthodontic appliances may at first appear to be a challenge. However, with the right guidance and commitment, adjusting to life with braces is easy and promotes better oral health.
Foods to Avoid
Avoiding sticky, hard, and chewy foods helps protect your orthodontic appliance, teeth, and comfort. Try to avoid taffy, hard candy, crunchy nuts, popcorn, and chewing gum during your treatment.
In the absence of the above treats, make creative, healthy eating choices instead! For example, you can find new smoothie flavors, try fun yogurt creations, or make delicious, mashed potatoes and binge guilt-free.
Protecting Your Mouth During Sports
Another common concern about traditional braces for teens involves mouth protection during sports or athletic activity. You can prevent injury during contact sports and other high-impact activities by wearing protective mouth gear. Choose well-fitting mouthguards designed for teens with braces for optimal comfort.
Cleaning Your Teeth with Braces
One of the biggest adjustments to come with braces is properly cleaning and caring for your braces. For teens with traditional braces or fixed brackets, carefully brushing the teeth removes harmful bacteria and prevents damage to the teeth and gums.
Use threaded or water flossers to clean hard-to-reach spots around brackets and underneath wires. Our team will give your teen specific instructions on how to care for their teeth and braces during treatment.